Potent production and
reaping high-quality milk is the goal of nearly all the dairy
farmers. High-quality milk constitutes of desirable texture, is
unadulterated and that meets all quality standards for required
Somatic Cell Count (SCC) proportion.
The dairy farmers know
the importance of maintaining a routine procedure of pre-milking
udder hygiene and uniform attachment of well-functioning milking
machines. The aim of milking management is to make sure that the teat
cups are applied to clean and well-stimulated teats, milk is reaped
quickly and efficaciously, and the milking units are removed once the
milking is done.
Various milking practices
are conducted on dairy farms. There is no one particular milking
routine that is applicable to all the dairy farms. However, there are
seven effective steps that can certainly suggest you a way to keep
your herd happy and help you become a successful dairy farmer.
- Keep your cows clean and aseptic
hygiene is a critical factor in determining milking efficiency and
intramammary infections (IMI). Dirty cows extend the cow preparation
time and shrink farm throughput. Teat cleanliness determines milk
quality with cattle average somatic cell count. Environmental
pathogens present in wet and muddy beds are often contagious and
cause mastitis in the herd. Therefore, you need to set up proper
bedding areas which are clean, dry and comfortable to reduce pathogen
growth. Such management practices lower the development of mastitis.
Furthermore, you can improve cow cleanliness by removing udder hair
occasionally round the year.
- Group the cows to keep them away from infections
is a good practice to group cows to minimize exposure of infected
cows with the healthy (uninfected) cows. Generally, there are three
classes of cows- infected, likely to be infected and uninfected.
Individual somatic cell count (SCC) and cow culture determine which
cows are infected and others fall under which categories. Cows having
SCC >250,000 (score of >=4) are persistently infected. While
cows with score <4 are uninfected. And cows having fluctuating
scores are probably infected. In dairy farm operations, the order of
milking follows that you must group and milk the uninfected cows
first, then the cows which are likely to be infected followed by the
infected cows in the end. Also, you should segregate the milking
units among each class to minimize the transmission of infection. It
is necessary to sanitize the milking units to reduce pathogen growth
which can be achieved by rinsing the milking units thoroughly,
exposing the machines to 25-30ppm iodine for minimum 30 seconds,
rinsing with clean water followed by drying.
- Attain a consistent pre-milking preparation
prefer a stable routine and it is desirable to rely on a standardized
milking routine. It is often difficult to maintain such routine as
there might be multiple operators employed on your farm who lack
adequate training on milking with required efficiency. It is revealed
that there’s an increase of 5.5% in milk yield when a standardized
milking routine is followed. A stable pre-milking preparation is an
equilibrium between speed and completion of the routine including
steps like fore-stripping, pre-dipping and drying before attachment.
Also, you must conduct an appropriate teat-end disinfection procedure
on your cattle which can reduce the teat surface bacteria by 75%.
- Dry the teats
disinfection follows the procedure of drying the teats carefully. Wet
teats expose a significant threat to the cows’ health as even a
slight presence of moisture establishes a breeding ground for harmful
skin bacteria. You can use either cloth or paper towels individually
to dry the teats manually. Most often, cloth towels prove to be more
absorbent than paper. Moreover, you can make effective use of latex
or nitrile gloves to diminish pathogen contagion that can be caused
by the skin.
- Attach the milking units well
is a vital factor in the attachment process. The time lapse between
cow preparation process and unit attachment is called “prep-lag”
time, and to maximize the milking efficiency, you must attach the
units soon after (preferably within 1 minute) stimulation begins.
Prep-lag time >3 minutes results in more residues which are of
less use. It is shown that optimized prep-lag time generates greater
milk flow within a few seconds of unit attachment. Likewise, you
should also decide the number of cows each operator will prep at your
farm afore unit attachment.
- Remove the units properly
process of milking is declared complete when the milk is fully
obtained. There are two incidences that can occur while milking. One
is under-milking that occurs when you have not removed all the milk
from the udder. This ultimately results in financial loss. The other
situation is over-milking that arises when you let the teat cups
remain attached to the teats albeit the milk isn’t flowing. This
causes damage to the teats revealing a risk of mastitis. Traditional
operators observe when milking is done and declare the same later.
While just a few operators rely on Automatic Take-off Units (ATO). A
study suggested that these operators who used ATOs were more
efficient than the operators using conventional mechanisms. You can
achieve additional improvement in the milking time and state of teat
ends by adjusting the ATO settings.
- Manage the cows post milking
cleaning and hygiene of cows are imperative. The practice was
developed to lower mastitis contagion by using either teat dipping or
spraying. Spraying gains preference by many operators as the practice
is convenient and keep the teat dip uncontaminated from the milk.
While spraying proves inadequate occasionally, a properly dipped teat
is likely to be less prone to pathogen transmission. You can include
any of these methods depending on your requirement and feasibility.
During the subzero temperatures, it is advisable to halt the use of
teat dipping practice and instead allow contact time of 30 seconds
followed by drying. The last phase of an efficient milking routine
involves encouraging cows to remain standing for at least 30 minutes
Effective herd health
management is crucial for any farm as much as high yield. The
principles as mentioned above are sure enough to lead you to the success of your dairy farms. But it is equally important to nurture
your herd with personalized attention and care for their longer
well-being and stable farm returns. A tip to save your day- Use
modern apps like Farmer App to adeptly track your herd’s milk
production and manage the overall dairy business. Happy milking!
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